News from Delphi

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Five new partners at Delphi at the turn of the year

Delphi strengthens with five new partners effective January 1, 2019. Simon Arvmyren, located at the Stockholm office, works primarily with arbitration and other commercial dispute resolutions. In addition to his work as a litigation lawyer, Simon has several assignments as a lecturer in procedural l...

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European Entertainment Intressenter announces an offer on Cherry

Delphi represents Cherry AB (publ) in connection with European Entertainment Intressenter’s rec­om­mend­ed pub­lic ten­der of­fer on Cherry. The of­fer amounts to ap­prox­i­mate­ly SEK 9 bil­lion in total. Completion of the of­fer is con­di­tion­al up­on cus­tom­ary con­di­tions and the ac­cep­tance...

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Delphi advisor to SJR in the acquisition of Women Executive Search AB

Delphi has assisted the recruitment and consultancy company SJR in Scandinavia AB (publ) (”SJR”) in the acquisition of Women Executive Search AB (”WES”). WES is a management recruitment company aiming to increase gender equality and diversity in business. The company’s turnover in 2017 amounted to S...

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Optimizer Invest invests in myTaste

Delphi represents myTaste AB (publ) in connection with Optimizer Invest’s investment in myTaste. The investment is made through a directed issue of shares and warrants. Following the investment, Optimizer Invest is the largest owner in myTaste. myTaste is listed on Nasdaq First North Premier. The De...

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Delphi advisor to AddLife in the acquisition of Biomedica

Delphi has assisted AddLife AB in the acquisition of Austrian Biomedica Medizinprodukte GmbH (“Biomedica”). Biomedica is the parent company of a group that operates in 13 countries across Europe and has approximately 280 employees. Biomedica supplies, like AddLife, products and services...

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Accenture Interactive acquires Kaplan

Delphi represents Kaplan and its owners in the sale of Kaplan-group to Accenture Interactive. Kaplan is a provider of data-driven customer relationship management services, that transforms customer experiences through strategic, analytical, technology, and creative solutions. Kaplan-group comprises...

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Delphi adviser to NIBE at the acquisition of Rhoss S.p.A in Italy

Advokatfirman Delphi has assisted NIBE Industrier AB in acquiring the remaining 55% of the shares in the Italian ventilation and air conditioning company Rhoss S.p.A. The acquisition means that the company, as of January 1, 2019, becomes a wholly owned subsidiary. Rhoss S.p.A has a turnover of appro...

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Delphi advises Insight Venture Partners on Episerver acquisition

Delphi has advised Insight Venture Partners, a leading global venture capital and private equity firm, on Swedish law aspects of its acquisition of Episerver for a total amount of 1.16 billion USD. Episerver is a leading marketing technology and digital commerce company with offices in the US, the U...

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