Following a European Commission proposal in 2022 for a regulation banning products made with forced labour, the EU legislators reached an agreement on 4 March 2024 to adopt a regulation that will ban such products from the EU (the “Regulation”).
According to the International Labour Organization, ne...
Following two years after the entry into force of the Unfair Trading Practices Act in Sweden the supervisory authority, the Swedish Competition Authority (“the SCA”), has issued its first decision imposing fines. The fines amounts to SEK 5 million (approximately EUR 425 000).
Fines of SEK 5 million...
The area of EU and competition law is in constant motion. Both the EU legislators and courts make sure that this field of law is developing at high speed. It is therefore becoming increasingly difficult to keep up to date with the latest developments in this area. At the same time, many of these dev...
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